Ground Studies For Pilots Pdf Download

Download JAA ATPL - Principles Of Flight

ATPL Training Manual 13: Principles of Flight, comprehensively covers covers a range of topics from basic aerodynamic theory to transonic and supersonic flight. This book aims to help pilots master the fundamental principles upon which flight depends. Such an understanding is fundamental to gaining a full appreciation of the flight characteristics of aircraft. Mastery of this subject is an essential attribute of the safe and proficient pilot.

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Download JAA ATPL - General Navigation

ATPL Training Manual 10: Navigation 1 - General Navigation deals with every aspect of classical air navigation - from basic pilot navigation to advanced plotting. The many colored diagrams and maps will help the future professional pilot to master this absorbing subject which many students, in the past, have found to be the greatest hurdle to passing the ATPL theoretical examinations.

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Download Free Ground Studies for Pilots - Radio Aids

This volume covers those subjects traditionally referred to as 'Radio Aids'. It includes not only those systems, ground and airborne equipment, comprising the JAR Radio Navigation paper, but also the basic principles of radio wave propagation and communications required in the Aircraft General paper. The volume also covers those warning systems which use radio principles. It continues to cover basic principles, as well as communications and navigation equipment. Emphasis on obsolete systems has been reduced to allow increased coverage of modern equipment. Coverage has been expanded on displays and satellite communications and navigation systems, as well as warning systems for terrain and collision avoidance and altitude monitoring.

Table of Contents:

  • Radio Wave Propagation
  • Communication
  • Ground Direction Finding
  • Automatic Direction Finding and Non-directional Beacons
  • VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range and Doppler
  • Radio Magnetic Indicator
  • Instrument and Microwave Landing Systems
  • Basic Radar
  • Distance Measuring Equipment
  • Secondary Surveillance Radar
  • Ground Radars
  • Airborne Weather Radar
  • Radio Altimeters
  • Ground Proximity Warning System
  • Doppler
  • Hyperbolic Navigation Systems
  • Traffic Collision Avoidance System
  • Glossary of Abbreviations
  • Answers to Multi-Choice Test Questions
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Download Free Ground Studies For Pilots - Flight Instruments

This well regarded series for students taking the commercial and airline transport pilot licences has been substantially revised to bring it into line with the new European Joint Aviation Requirements (JARs) for flight crew licensing. Each volume deals with the material required by one of the new JAR papers.
This volume deals with those subjects covered in the 022 section of the aircraft general knowledge part of the syllabus. It continues to cover air data and gyroscopic flight instruments, compasses and inertial navigation systems. Electronic instrumentation, automatic flight control and in–flight protection systems have been included and updated, together with thrust control and powerplant and system monitoring instruments.

Basic principles are covered as before, but emphasis on obsolete equipment and calculations has been reduced or removed as appropriate, permitting increased coverage of modern systems.

The opportunity has been taken to simplify the presentation of information so as to aid study and revision work. Many test questions and answers have been included, based upon the JAR syllabus and style.

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